Whew! Cold front blew through this morning... Warmed up a bit this afternoon, so what else to do but smoke pork and brew beer!
Baby back pork ribs were on sale at Fresh Market yesterday and I bought a whole 10 lb packer pack. It was 3 racks, so I fired up the Weber and threw them on at 2.
I had bought several home brew kits a couple of months ago from Northern Brewer in anticipation of my BrewPi fermentation chamber being ready for 5 gallon batches. It had worked great for my 1 gallon test batches in the dorm fridge, but when I rewired it to use in the freezer, it quit working. I spent a month rewiring it over and over, changing the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi, the temperature probes, the circuit board everything. It still would not work. So I put it away because I was frustrated. It was too cold in the garage for my simple fermentation controller to work, so I did not brew. Last week I decided to pull the BrewPi back out and figure it out. I finally checked the 10 cent resistor that makes the temperature probes work, and it was wrong! The whole batch I had bought at Fry's was mislabeled, so even when I started over, it was still wrong. After a quick trip to Radio Shack (and making sure the color codes were right before I checked out!) it was working like it was supposed to.
I would have brewed yesterday, but I moved my other freezer from my house to my girlfriend's house and had to use the fermenter to hold the stuff. So yesterday I moved everything back to the original freezer and today I brewed!
Queen Mac's Royal Scotch Ale is now in the fermenter, and the BrewPi is working like it is supposed to.
The baby backs came out great too!
The ribs were very tasty and I am looking forward to tasting the scotch ale. Glad to see you are blogging again. :) The Girlfriend